November 27, 2012


The sweater obviously support babies to chew and Noah Followed it by chew everything in this hand include, well, 'his hands'. My days recently has been fulled with enjoyment and excitement. Each morning when I saw my baby, I realized that my baby grew so fast and the development of his ability each day really amaze me. I feel like the most blesses person alive!

 Recently he just found his hand and played with it. he now can laugh out loud when I make some silly face or giggling his neck, also he began to learn how to roll over!

November 26, 2012


The unbranded wallet is still my favorite. I threw away the dotted skirt because the waist size didn't fit with my waist now. the purple t-shirt I gave away to my little niece and it's amazingly fit with her little body, and this made me realized how thin I am back then before I got pregnant & had Noah. No regret. I love my body now. woman size body.

November 24, 2012


Took this picture about four years ago and I actually don't know why I post this, maybe because this is the only 'jump' picture that I have and i'm quite proud about it. proud with the picture not the outfit.